23.10.2024 08:03
Delivery planned in the route of the courier
19.10.2024 23:34
Out for Delivery, Expected Delivery by 9:00pm
16.10.2024 15:05
In Transit to Next Facility
Maninagar SO
13.10.2024 06:36
Awaiting Customs clearance
09.10.2024 22:07
Customs Clearance
06.10.2024 13:38
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
NY, ITHACA, 14850
03.10.2024 05:08
Arrival at Delivery Office
Korean airlines
29.09.2024 20:39
The shipment is being prepared for delivery in the delivery depot
Shanghai international mail exchange station, ShanghaiCity
26.09.2024 12:10
Received by the carrier
United States, CINCINNATI, 45246
23.09.2024 03:41
Departed from destination import office
19.09.2024 19:12
Processed Through Facility
LOS ANGELES, CA, United States
16.09.2024 10:43
Arrived at USPS Regional Origin Facility
SPARKS, NV, 89441
13.09.2024 02:14
Unsuccessful delivery. Addressee not available at time of delivery/Item being held, addressee being notified
Virginia Beach,VA
09.09.2024 17:44
Flight Departure
06.09.2024 09:15
Has received, postman:, phone:13927721343
International Chancheng operational department, Foshan city
03.09.2024 00:46
Transport leg completed
Centro de Tratamento Lisboa
30.08.2024 16:17
Inbound in sorting center
Shenzhen International Mail Processing Center, Shenzhen city
27.08.2024 07:48
Item arrived at Pick-Up Station
Beijing international mail exchange station, BeijingCity
23.08.2024 23:19
Item Bagged
Ahmedabad Hub
Tracking numbers examples: